text your

support the equality of humanity

what we do

Project title
Section 21; Access to information; PWDs Act 2006

(1) It shall be the duty of the responsible government authority to promote the right of People with Disabilities to access information through;
(a) The development and use of Sign language, Tactile, sign Language interpreters in all public institutions and at public functions;

The project over all objective
To see that sign language interpretation is applied at all public functions and on all public government television stations during broadcasting programs of national significance.

Having a society where the deaf people access information from the visual Medias and from public functions as it is with people without hearing impairment.

Targeted Public Institutions
  1. Uganda Broadcasting Corporation-UBC TV
  2. Bukedde TV
  3. Star TV

Why These Television Institutions?
These are public institutions owned by the state and are obliged by law to provide these services for the Ugandans as a right and not as a favor.

Why interpretation at public functions?
Having all proceedings interpreted at public function is the exercising of an inherent right to access information. All people regardless of disability are entitled to public information.

Major broadcasts and public functions that urgently need attention for the deaf persons include the following among others:

  1. News Broadcasts
  2. Disaster outbreak publications and other health related shows
  3. Presentations on security matters
  4. Commentaries/ civic education on national suffrages
  5. Parliamentary sessions must be broadcasted and interpreted
  6. State of the nation address and end of the year and other presidential functions
  7. And any public address by any government official on social, political and economic matter right away from the local levels.

Supporting policies and Laws

Ø      Section 22 (1)(a) Access to Information PWds Act 2006; The government in authority is responsible to ensure “The development and use of sign language, Tactile, sign language interpreters in al public institutions and at public functions.
Ø      National objective and Directive Principle of the State Policy – (NODPSP) xvi: recognition of the dignity of people with Disabilities   the state shall recognize the right of People with Disabilities to respect and Human dignity.
Ø      NODPSP XXIV- Cultural Objective___ Cultural and customary values which  are consistent with fundamental rights and freedoms, human dignity, democracy and with the constitution may be developed and incorporated in aspects of Ugandan life____ The state shall (C) promote the development of Sign Language for the Deaf
Ø      Art 32; calls for “affirmative action in favor of marginalized groups”;
Ø      Art 35; demands the protection of Rights of People with Disabilities.
Ø      Art 41; Right of Access to information.
Ø      Uganda Communications act 1998; sec 8 provides for promotion of research into the development  and use of new communications, techniques and technologies including those which promote accessibility of hearing impaired people to communication services.
Ø      Access to Information Act 2005; guarantees Accessibility to information by all citizens.

Magnitude of the Problem
The total number of the deaf persons in the country is affected by the problem. These include the Deaf persons and those peoples who have hearing impairment and are estimated to be at around one million. These people do not get informed about the current news, not aware of the government programmes in all areas of critical concerns such as health, security, economic developments and civic education like on general elections. Worse still, the presidential end of year address and state of the nation address are not interpreted, nor are the parliamentary sessions signed. The deaf are definitely left out and denied their right to access information. This therefore, has led them being backward in this society where one lives on information so as to learn new things including those ones that can lead him or her out of poverty, and ably participate in community issues.

Advocacy Audience
Our advocacy primarily targets;

  • Chairperson Broadcasting council
  • The Minister of State for Disability and Elderly
  • Directors of Television institutions of UBC TV, Star TV, and Bukedde TV

Secondary advocacy audience;
    1. Chairperson Uganda Human Rights Commission
    2. Chairperson Committee on equal opportunities
    3. 5 Members of Parliament for people with Disabilities

Our advocacy message;

1)   Let us use and enjoy our dignity and respect
2)   We want to access information at public functions
3)   We need interpreters at reception of government ministry offices,
4)   We need sign language interpretation on government televisions